Brje is located on the western part of the Vipava Hills that represent a natural connection between the Vipava Valley and the Branica Valley.
Brje & Vipava valley
Brje is located on the western part of the Vipava Hills that represent a natural connection between the Vipava Valley and the Branica Valley. The rugged terrain creates a picturesque landscape with typical agricultural areas and settlements. Brje consists of numerous hamlets spread over the hills at an altitude of 80 to 331 m above sea level. The sunny slopes with a Mediterranean climate, planted with vineyards and orchards, testify to the rich tradition of viticulture and fruit growing. Back at the turn of the last century, local winegrowers founded the Association of Brje Winegrowers and Winemakers, which is still active today. The architect Maks Fabiani, the priest and poet Simon Gregorčič, the Slovenian screenwriter Silvan Furlan and Matija Vertovec, who was the first to write in the Slovenian language about viticulture, winemaking and cellaring, left a big mark on Brje.
Brje boasts numerous hiking and cycling trails that offer beautiful views over the entire Vipava Valley. The Church of Cyril and Methodius sits in the centre of the village. At the highest point is the Church of St Martin and at the lowest is the cave Nečilčeva jama, which extends under Brje.
Brje se ponašajo s številnimi pohodniškimi, kolesarskimi potmi, ki ponujajo lepe razglede nad celotno Vipavsko dolino. V središču vasi se nahaja cerkev Cirila in Metoda. Na najvišji točki je cerkev Svetega Martina, na najnižji pa Nečilčeva jama, ki se razteza pod Brjami.